This course aims at making you aware of the connection between mediumship and the soul. As a medium, you are a mystic, walking a spiritual pathway that ultimately leads to God. My experienced team of tutors will help you get to know your true self, the soul, which is the source of your mediumship.

The Spiritual Medium at the Arthur Findlay College
Course Details
- Dates: 18st to 25th March 2023
- Course 11A: The Spiritual Medium
- Course Tutors: Kitty Woud OSNU, Eileen Davies LSSNU, Minister Suzanne Gibson Foy
Course Description
Important aspects of this course will be:
- Building your power and how to project and manipulate it
- Increasing your confidence
- Understanding trance and related altered states
- Refining and expanding the quality of your mediumship
- Strengthening your link with the other world in demonstrations and private sittings
- Finding the right recipient and improving the quality of your evidence
- Spiritualising yourself through meditation and spirit teachings
Your tutors will guide you towards unfolding a greater awareness of spirit and to gain a deeper understanding of your soul’s purpose and your mediumistic abilities. Come and join us on this inspiring course full of new lectures, workshops, meditations and demonstrations. Intermediate to advanced level.