Kitty Woud discovered her mediumistic abilities at an early age. She was very clairvoyant and clairaudient as a child, and was convinced that everyone else could hear and see the spirit as well.
As a teenager, she read all the books she could find on the subjects of mediumship and Spiritualism, hoping to find answers to the many questions that came up in her mind. At the age of 18, she went to a demonstration of mediumship and as she watched the medium communicate with the spirit world, all the pieces of the puzzle fell into their place. Determined to learn more about mediumship, she visited the Arthur Findlay College some years later.
The AFC is a unique and renowned college, where students from all over the world come together to study various aspects of mediumship, under the guidance of qualified tutors. She came there as a student for many years, developing and refining her gifts. She also sat in 2 developing circles at home. In the end she decided to give up her career as an English teacher in order to follow her great passion and become a working medium. In the Netherlands, she works as an evidential medium in many spiritual centres, organizing workshops as well. Some of her subjects are awareness, evidential and trance mediumship, healing, meditation and colour.
A number of years ago, she was invited to attend the teachers’ training course of the AFC. She was fast-tracked as a trainee and currently works there as a full tutor with experienced course organizers, such as Janet Parker, Margaret Faulkner, Steven Upton, Simone Key, Eileen Davies and Glyn Edwards. She holds the certificates [CSNU] for Teaching, Speaking and Demonstrating. Since 2011 Kitty has been an assessor on the Teachers’ Training Course and is Course Organiser for Reach for the Stars and French Week. In 2014 Kitty was appointed Officiant of the Spiritualists’ National Union. It is her fervent wish to spread the truth about the afterlife and to show the beauty of mediumship to bring about a positive change in peoples’ lives.